Thursday, February 18, 2010

Heart Check America When Will The Democratic Party Start Giving George W. Bush Recognition For Helping America's Poor?

When will the Democratic Party start giving George W. Bush recognition for helping America's Poor? - heart check america

Over the past eight years under George W. Bush President of the United States of America, who has poured his heart into helping the poor in the United States, nor the Democratic Party has been little or no appreciation for that which shows that he for the poor. Instead, they criticize Bush for help only the rich and upper classes. Since President Bush of the United States, I noticed that he had been held, the following measures for the poor in the U.S.;

1. It provides the poor with tax breaks, so you save money.

2. Make sure that the children will ensure a good education in order that the schools the No Child Left Behind Act use

3. Welfare is to be poor and work, the opportunity to earn money to supportFamily and not the welfare checks go in order to survive.

4. I realized that the poverty in my community and the State, where she is staying for the first time in many years.

Source: Watching Fox News and The 700 Club


Lady Shondra said...

not give any credit at all. six of the last two years, the economic, the historical success, and the last two years have been under the democratic control of Congress, it is no coincidence.

Among his many achievements are:

He changed his tone in the White House, restoring the honor and dignity of the presidency.

A reintroduction of the mention of God and faith in public discourse.

The No Child Left Behind Act "signed Hold the reforms) in education, the most spectacular in a generation (at the soft bigotry of low confidence. The very liberal California Teachers Union against the radio reports of the accountability provisions of this Act.

Announced "Jobs for the 21st century, a worldbetter prepare workers for the new millennium by strengthening post-secondary education and vocational training, and improvement of secondary education.

work, vouchers provide low-income students in the continuing absence denied to schools at a cost of participation will help to private schools. (Blocked in the Senate.)

Created a fund of 2.4 billion euros to the countries with the implementation of accountability for teachers.

Increased funding for the troops to teachers program, which recruits former military personnel to become teachers

He killed the Kyoto Protocol on global warming.

It has established a grant program for 10 million U.S. dollars to promote private conservation initiatives.

Significantly controls on field trials of genetically modified plants declined

Successfully led two wars in the aftermath of 9/11/01: Afghanistan and Iraq. 50 million people who had lived under tyrannical regimes now live in freedom. and natural disasters unprescedent any other president.

Saddam Hussein is dead. His two murderous son are dead. All but killed a handful of senior representatives of the regime or were taken prisoner and spent the gain.

For a complete list, see the link: ...

has tripled direct humanitarian and development in the poorest continent in the world since he took office


ronaldin... said...

In the long run, more people fell into poverty!

Have days are increasingly losing their homes Avery, bank accounts and homes reposessed refused.

Might have more money to help the poor in his country, but as an illegal war and big buisiness coseying it, America might be in a better position economically comfertable.

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